
(Product promotion action group in pharmacies)

Life pcc’s specialized sales team is trained to make updates in pharmacies, so that you can promote each product in the best possible way and achieve its perfect promotion, in order to increase its sales, on behalf of our customers.

The correct information in combination with suggestions / solutions for the correct promotion of the product, such as the correct appearance in the space, the placement of a relevant stand, the distribution of relevant printed material, the communication of the strong points of the product against competing products and so on. . are “ingredients” that make the product stand out and therefore win the buying public.

The trust that Life pcc has gained in this field from its customers, is great and is the reason for the constant information and the constant development of the techniques and skills of its team. By proposing comprehensive action and development plans, we work together with our client for its proper promotion and the strengthening of both the image of the company and its product or products.