Life pcc supports sustainability!

LIFE pc recognizes the importance of protecting and preserving the environment as an integral part of good and socially responsible behavior of an enterprise and is committed to implement an Environmental Friendly Practices throughout the range of its operation, aiming at minimizing the impact of its activities on the environment and sustainable development.

Our company ensures the trading of high quality products. In this direction, and seeking continuous improvement in our operating partnership, we proceeded to the implementation of the System of Good Storing and Trading Practices in an environmental friendly way.

Company’s Environmental Policy is based on the following principles:

  • fully compliance with provisions of current National and European legislation. The company has been provided with all legislative permissions and approvals concerning its activities and is fully consistent with the environmental conditions and limits that must observe.
  • constantly update on trends and amendments to environmental legislation
  • Identification of all environmental aspects arising from its activities. LIFE pc identifies the aspects that are likely to have significant environmental impacts and shall take all necessary measures to anticipate and prevent these environmental impacts
  • Implementation programs to recycle raw materials
  • Setting of environmental objectives, targets and programs and ensure their achievement.
  • Operates of an effective waste management system in cooperation with licensed operators.
  • Making rational use of natural and energy resources where possible.
  • Monitoring all aspects of its operation which may affect the environment

Our goal is the continuous improvement of our environmental performance and the reduction of the environmental footprint of our activities.

To achieve the objectives above, top management is committed to provide the necessary resources for the unhindered, efficient and effective operation of the company and of the system and the continuous training and development of our employees.

The Environmental Policy is obligatory for each employee of the company. Top Management reviews the Policy on a regular basis via internal audits with regard to its completeness and effectiveness.